The ECCY Advantages
Customization and Cost Savings
Our motto is: we make money by helping you save money
ECCY offers highly customized solutions and support services, tailor made for your business needs and budget. This way we eliminate all un-necessary, excessive services and minimize non-technical management time to reduce overall IT management costs
Minimal mark-ups and direct reseller prices in order to make sure we pass along the most savings to our clients
Our long-standing relationships with trusted hardware and software vendors offer clients the most competitive pricing and the benefits of bulk purchases otherwise unavailable to individual customers
Bottomline – pay a lot less but get the maximum amount of support
Reliability and Efficiency
While clients are being serviced by a team of experts, each client is assigned a single point of contact to minimize confusion and inefficiencies. In the longer run, this will also ensure deeper and more thorough understanding of the client’s business
24/7 Support through our local service desk
Maximum 60 minutes Response Time Guarantee
Remote and On-site service delivery – While most support call issues can be resolved remotely, we will schedule a technician visit immediately if the issue cannot be dealt with remotely
Satisfaction Guarantee – Client’s satisfaction is our most important priority. This is why we offer all clients 3-month satisfaction guarantee where you can cancel your IT contract without penalty within 3 months from service commencement date
Accountability and Transparency
As your outsourced managed IT support service provider, ECCY Technology is accountable for the maintenance of your infrastructure and system. This level of accountability ensures highest quality service and continuity
Adoption of Green IT Best Practices not only helps protect the environment, it also helps clients to reduce material and energy costs
Clarity and Transparency of information is critical to establishing trust with clients, as well as ensuring effective operation and implementation of project. ECCY Technology is committed to providing timely, complete and clear information in order to help clients make important IT and business decisions
Our procurement practices are stringent and transparent. Clients will be provided with competitive products and pricing options, along with clear recommendations with rationale in order to help clients make the most informed and cost-effective decisions
Control and Ownership
You own everything - All administrative information relating to registration and network management are owned and held by the client. This will ensure client’s critical information are never held hostage by a service provider and maintain continuity
A complete and cost-effective disaster recovery plan, backup routines, and a scalable network will be developed and in place to protect clients from unexpected disruptions and problems